Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mexican Spirit

Today I went to a small reunion, where a nice Mexican Spirit could be felt on the air. I must say it was a quite international table since there were people from 5 different countries, however Mexican was the majority.

And the special Dish was prepared.  "Tacos".  I must say they were really good, I like them and those were the best Tacos "al Pastor" and "De Alambre" that I have ever tasted.... In Germany.   Therefore I thought it was worth to share a Photo. and talk about the nice Spirit surrounding them.

Canon EOS 500D  55mm   f/13  1"   ISO 1600

P.S. On the back you can allso see some tipical "Guacamoleiii"

Friday, February 25, 2011

Work Spirit?

During this week I tried to catch the work spirit of where I work. However I could only find it when it was allready dead. Friday afternoon.  4:30pm and everyone starts saying "Feierabend" "Shoenes Wochenende"....
and the work spirit does not come back to live untill Monday.... Afternoon and some days even on Tuesday. :-P.

Canon EOS 500D  21mm    f/3.5   1/30  ISO 400

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shopping Spirit

I am not so into it but this street on saturdays... well I dont even want to come here.. there is too much. lots of people buying everything... and some times I wonder... "Where is the crisis".. or where it was? because not even in the worst days a couple of months ago this street was empty. you will allways find people with an incredible amount of bags.  yeah.. maybe I am jelous I know... :-P

Canon EOS 500D 34mm f/4.5  1/15  ISO 1600

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Party Spirit

Who said that only on weekends you can have some Party spirit?

Canon EOS 500D 24mm f/3.5  1/30   ISO 1600

My Second Favourite Drink. "Cuba Libre"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mayan Spirit

From a small stone figure I have on my living room. you still can find some Mayan Spirit when you look at it.
For those who know about Mayan culture... good for you.. I am glad.
For those who dont.. I would like to encourage you to make some research on it, read and learn some thing about them. I must say it was an amazing culture.  It would be a shame to have only a wrong Hollywood idea of them.

 Canon EOS 500D  1"   34mm   f/5.6  ISO 200

Monday, February 21, 2011

Family Spirit

Good day Everybody.

This time I would like to start with a family picture to evoke the family spirit that should never die.
We all come from one and we all might make one of our own some day.
If you haven't been in touch with some one, maybe it is time to pick up the phone and give'em a call.

Canon EOS 500D 55mm f/38 10" ISO 200

As some of you might allready found out, This week the topic will be "spirit".

How did I take it:  Long 10sec exposure and play moving arround a flashlight (torch) to generate the efect of multiple shades.

P.S. To my Family: Despite being 12,000Km apart. you allways on my mind. I Love you!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What is more Romantic than a song?

Today is the last day of Romance Week  and this time I just remembered that sometimes there is nothing more romantic than a "customized" song written for that special someone. About 6 months ago I spend several weeks trying to get something out of this guitar. I think I did. unfortunately I am not able to post it here, therefore I post what I can.... a picture of it.

Canon EOS 500D 1/30  f/4.5  42mm  ISO 1600

P.D. Technically speaking I can post the song... record it, youtube-it or whatever. however I must say that I dont really like the sound of my voice on the recordings. but I do like some of my pictures. :-)