Saturday, February 19, 2011

Share a Glass

Share Glasses
Canon EOS 500D   22mm   f/16  0,3"  ISO 400

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Girl doesn't like Flowers?

Canon EOS 500D 47mm  f/9.5  ISO 1600

Thursday, February 17, 2011

On Candle Light

What would you do in a partialy dark room, with some nice music playing on the background, and just with some candle lights?

on Canle light
Canon EOS 500D  2"  43mm  f/13 ISO 400

Have a nice talk... about the past, present and future.
or.. what did you thought?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is this Love?

Today I was looking around and found a gift that I received about 5 Years Ago. I think it was worth to photograph.

Canon EOS 500D  22mm  f/11  1,5"  ISO 200

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Magic Bean

This little (o not so little) plant, was originally a Magic Bean, From those that are sold on aluminium cans. When they grow on the first leaves they have some inscription. This was saying "I Love you"
The Romantic part of it is that I received this as a gift 5 years ago. I received it by post and follow the instructions. Pouring some water every day to make it grow. 1 Weak later the Plant was allready there.
I must say that we (the one who gave it to me and me) were a little bit sad when I read that it would hold for just a couple of weeks. So I accepted the challenge of making it grow as much as I can. and try to mantain it alive as long as possible....  5 Years after it is still alive and it has been with us since then.

Our Plant
CANON EOS 500D 42mm f/4.5 1/6 ISO 1600

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heart in the Forehead

This picture I imagine it at the beginning of the "Body Parts" Week, however I wanted to be the last one because with this one the next week starts. With a new theme "Romance".

I am still not sure if I am crazy or not but I see a Heart on the Forehead of my Girl. What do you see?

Heart in the Forehead

And some how it appears only when she is happy.  I always say it is when she looks at me, but maybe that is only how I would like it to be haha :-)