Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sad Wrong Step

I could not avoid missing to see this little girl which sadly gave a wrong step or something and get injured :-(
It was kind of... hmm I dont know. weird sad feeling seeing her that young and with a broken leg :-( But the good part is when you have a brother(or sister) to rely on and can give you a push.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Lets go for a Walk

I dont have a dog right now... but still I like them :-P
not precisely this one but it remembered me my last one. which was more like a Hot-Dog!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Castle Frame

The view from the inside of. a subway while eating a B.M.T. Italian :-P yummy!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How much does health cost?

Does any one has an idea? Can it be bought? Who has the right to give it? Or take it away? Whose responsability is it? How far would you go to get it?
... If you lost it? ...If someone else did?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Forest Dying

It is not nice to see parts of the Forest dying  :-( Lets hope it recovers soon.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Empty Shopping Center

Today I went to see a movie in a "weird" shopping center.
Everything was closed. only 1 Restaurant and the cinema was opened. it was everything lonely and somehow you feel like in a movie where something goes wrong and you are traped inside a mall.
Or in an horror film where "the bad guy" is chasing you on the alleys and you run and run.. but do not  find anyone.
Anyway. it was kind of weird-fun beeing there. (by the way the movie was not that good)
